College Test Preparation: Cracking the GED Test with 2 Practice Tests, 2017 Edition in FB2, MOBI, PDF
PROUD PARTICIPANT IN THE GED(r) PUBLISHER PROGRAM * Get the help you need to ace the test and earn your GED credential with 2 full-length practice tests, content reviews that are 100% aligned with GED test objectives, and extra practice online. "Techniques That Actually Work." Essential strategies to help you work smarter, not harder Customizable study "road maps" to help you create a clear plan of attack Expert tactics to help improve your writing for the Extended Response prompts" ""Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score." Complete coverage of Reasoning Through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies Guided lessons with sample questions for all tested topics Clear instruction on the computer-based question formats ""Practice Your Way to Excellence."" 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations Practice drills for all four test subjects Over 350 additional multiple-choice questions online, organized by subject 20% discount on the GED Ready: The Official Practice Test "Plus Bonus Online Features: " Multiple-choice practice questions in all 4 test subjects Tutorials to help boost your graphics and reading comprehension skills Insider tips from admissions counselors on the GED test and college success Custom printable answer sheets for the in-book practice tests *Proud Participant in the GED(r) Publisher Program This new program recognizes content from publishers whose materials meet 100% of GED test objectives at a subject level. Acceptance into the program means that you can be sure that "Cracking the GED Test "covers content you ll actually see on the exam.", PROUD PARTICIPANT IN THE GEDŽ PUBLISHER PROGRAM!* Get the help you need to ace the test and earn your GED credential with 2 full-length practice tests, content reviews that are 100% aligned with GED test objectives, and extra practice online. Techniques That Actually Work. * Essential strategies to help you work smarter, not harder * Customizable study "road maps" to help you create a clear plan of attack * Expert tactics to help improve your writing for the Extended Response prompts Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score. * Complete coverage of Reasoning Through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies * Guided lessons with sample questions for all tested topics * Clear instruction on the computer-based question formats Practice Your Way to Excellence. * 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations * Practice drills for all four test subjects * Over 350 additional multiple-choice questions online, organized by subject * 20% discount on the GED Ready: The Official Practice Test Plus! Bonus Online Features: * Multiple-choice practice questions in all 4 test subjects * Tutorials to help boost your graphics and reading comprehension skills * Insider tips from admissions counselors on the GED test and college success * Custom printable answer sheets for the in-book practice tests *Proud Participant in the GEDŽ Publisher Program! This new program recognizes content from publishers whose materials meet 100% of GED test objectives at a subject level. Acceptance into the program means that you can be sure that Cracking the GED Test covers content you'll actually see on the exam., THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS. Get all the prep you need to ace the GED with 2 full-length practice tests, thorough GED content reviews, and extra practice online. "Techniques That Actually Work." Essential strategies to help you work smarter, not harder Customizable study "road maps" to help you create a clear plan of attack Expert tactics to help improve your writing for the Extended Response prompts" " "Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score." Complete coverage of Reasoning Through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies Guided lessons with sample questions for all tested topics Clear instruction on the computer-based question formats ""Practice Your Way to Excellence."" 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations Practice drills for all four test subjects 350 additional multiple-choice questions online, organized by subject "Plus Bonus Online Features" Extra multiple-choice practice questions in all 4 test subjects Insider tips from admissions counselors on the GED test and college success Downloadable tutorials to help boost your graphics and reading comprehension skills Custom printable answer sheets for the in-book practice tests"
Princeton Review - College Test Preparation: Cracking the GED Test with 2 Practice Tests, 2017 Edition ebook TXT, DOC, FB2
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